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Brocklehurst Transport supports ANDYSMANCLUB with new liveried trailers

The Dewsbury-based haulier has teamed up with suicide prevention charity, ANDYSMANCLUB, to help end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health

Brocklehurst Transport has introduced a couple of new additions to its fleet in the form of two trailers complete with a special ANDYSMANCLUB livery to encourage men to talk about their mental health.

ANDYSMANCLUB is a men’s suicide prevention charity offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the UK and online. Its aim is to help men by using the power of conversation to encouraging them to open up about the difficulties they are facing in a safe, judgement-free and non-clinical environment.

Adam Webster, Commercial Director at Brocklehurst Transport, commented: “The main reason we wanted to share this message is because of #ThatOneMan. If the message on our trailers helps just one person to access support, then we will have achieved our goal.

“We are in the unique position to be able to promote this message up and down the country with our trailers being seen on

the road, when stuck in traffic and when parked at their destinations.

“Being a male dominated industry, and with HGV drivers in particular spending a lot of time alone with their thoughts in their cabs, we couldn’t think of a more relevant charity to promote on our vehicles.”

The haulier has been supporting the charity for a few years now, starting with small posters on the back of their vehicles. As the charity has continued to expand its services nationwide by providing more support sessions across the country, Brocklehurst Transport made the decision to have a full trailer livery created to ensure the message reaches as many people as possible.

Lucas Whitehead, Marketing and Communications Champion at Andy’s Man Club, commented: “ANDYSMANCLUB is extremely grateful to Brocklehurst Transport for dedicating two of their trailers to raising awareness of our charity and our cause.

“As a donation-led charity, we choose to use any money raised to support our existing groups and expand organically. This offering has provided us with free out-of-home advertising that will be visible nationwide and will no doubt be seen by individuals during their time of need.

“Alongside our motto, #ItsOkayToTalk, we also follow the #ThatOneMan principle, which is the theory that if we reach one man during his time of need with any awareness work we do then we have achieved our aim. This kind offering from Brocklehurst Transport will fulfil that aim.”

To find out more about the charity and your local group please follow the below link:


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